My Human (MH) says that Bloomy the cat thinks she’s a dog.

I don’t know why she would say that. Bloomy doesn’t like to go for a walk. Bloomy isn’t interested in the evening  Barking Choir. Or bones. Or rides-in-the-car.

Bloomy does however like my dim brother Baxter Beagle. She grooms his velvet beagle-ears each morning while he’s still sleepy and often curls up with him in his basket. She’s always with us when we go to meet MH at the gate when she comes back from Out.

And sits in a line with Baxter and me under MH’s feet when she’s shredding the chicken, in case we need to clean the floor.

For all the time dim brother Baxter spends with Bloomy, he’s never learned to speak Cat like I have. At the Nice Vet last week, the Resident Veterinary Practice Black Cat was waiting to say hello and greeted me civilly when I wagged and spoke to her. Poor Baxter didn’t enjoy the same reception! He bounced over, thinking this Cat was related to Bloomy and received a hiss and smack for his sloppy attention.

Hahaha. Baxter’s a scared-y cat! He yelped as if he’d had his tail chopped off and hid behind MH’s legs, quaking. Ha!