We are not amused

We are not amused

If there’s one thing I cannot stand it’s the joy the Humans get from making US look like THEM. Have they no idea just how lame they look at the Christmas dinner table with ill-fitting paper hats perched on their heads. The racket they make with those crackers! And how...
Life is good

Life is good

Who knew 2020 would be the best year of a dog’s life! The Humans stayed Home every day and every evening!  It was WONDERFUL. Especially for my dim brother Baxter who is a real Mummy’s Boy and is now totally out of howling practice (pitiful it was – the plaintive...
Puppy love

Puppy love

Dim Brother Baxter has to be the soppiest dog in the Village. If you want to know where Baxter is, look for My Human (MH). I’ve seen him. He’ll follow her outside to the washing line and pretend he’s on other business. The minute she’s back inside, there he is again....
Be Cool Bax

Be Cool Bax

My Human (MH) dresses Baxter funny. And dim brother Baxie is so… compliant! He just sits there waiting, as still as a mouse, to get a new headdress or bandanna. And poses obligingly for photos to be taken, patiently watching for the laughter to die down. I think...
Whatever blows your ears back

Whatever blows your ears back

For My Human (MH) it’s coffee – lots of it. Especially when she has one of her paintings happening in the studio. For me it’s got to be: Food (especially chicken bones left for us by the Village builders to vacuum) and Barking (baroooo) at nothing and Running free on...
Painting Pet Portraits

Painting Pet Portraits

So My Human (MH) set up her easel in the studio and dusted off the acrylics to paint a picture of me! Bonnie the Barker – aka The Village Newshound – now immortalized and given to the Chief of my Fan Club. MH’s normal style is more formal in her preferred watercolours...